According to eyewitness accounts, flood conditions are strong enough to wash away a vehicle in under a foot of water. Here in Houston, we experience such flood conditions on occasion. With the strength of hurricanes and thunderstorms bearing down upon the city, it’s best for homeowners to prepare. By taking precautions today, you can save yourself, your family, and your home from serious water damage.
Even the City of Houston is urging homeowners to prepare themselves. There are numerous warning systems in place throughout Houston for just such an event.
Thankfully, during heavy rainfall and flooding conditions, the City of Houston has a street drainage crew on 24-hour call to inspect roadways and monitor flooding throughout the city streets. These crews often use barricades to block off underwater roadways.
Preparing Your Home for a Flood
The City of Houston has to worry about the entire city, not just your home. As such, you need to worry about every aspect of your property in the event of a flood.
Here are a few tips to prepare for a flood:
Buy and install a sump pump with a backup power source to prevent flood water and standing water around your property.
Schedule a licensed electrician to raise electric components, including switches, sockets, and circuit breakers around the home.
Take steps to waterproof any low entrances to the property. Your goal is to divert the water away from the house and towards the city’s drainage system.
Create a thorough checklist for when flooding does occur, including items such as turning off electrical power, shutting off the gas to the house, and disconnecting appliances.
Permanent Flood Protection
If you have project funds available, consider installing permanent flood protection measures around the home. These measures may include flood walls or berms around the property. It’s important to note that some flood walls require permits from the city before installation. You can check with the local Floodplain Management Office or Building Code Enforcement Branch for more information on a permit.
Regarding your electrical system, be sure to mark the fuse box to show which circuits lead to floodable areas of the home. When the water begins to rise, make sure everyone in the family knows how to shut off the power to these areas specifically.
Following a serious flood in Houston, know that Restoration 1 of Central Houston is prepared and ready to help homeowners at a moment’s notice. You can schedule water damage restoration and storm recovery services!