Did you know that according to the National Weather Service, that the number 1 cause of water related deaths is a result of a flash-flood?
The duration and intensity of the rainfall, is contributed by slow moving storms. Heavy rains from hurricanes and tropical storms can also cause flash floods.
A sudden release of water can also cause flash floods, such as a levee or dam failure or a release of water held by ice jams. The conditions of the soil and topography of the region and play a role in flash floods as well.
Flash floods can cause an extreme amount of water damage in Central Houston.
Water is very powerful and can rip tress out of the ground, roll boulders, and destroy bridges and buildings.
Within just a few minutes, rapidly rising water can reach heights of 30 feet or more. No matter what kind of warnings are given, most of the flood-related deaths (about 150 a year) occur from people trying to cross flooded areas in their automobiles like swollen streams, or flooded bridges and roads.
The power and force of water is underestimated by most people. Only 18 inches of water can float your car and 2 feet can sweep you downstream.
With the increase of families moving to more flood prone regions, the fatality rate is destined to grow, as they have over the past several decades.
Along rivers, in urban areas, dry creek beds and along coastlines are primary locations for flash floods. If a river basin fills up too rapidly, the water spills over the banks. Hurricanes and tropical storm flash floods occur along coastlines when the storm pushes inland, or when tsunamis send water ashore.
In Houston, pavement causes water from being absorbed into the soil and in the urban areas, causes 5 – 6 times more runoff to occur. This causes the flood water to run down the streets forming fast-moving rivers.
Flash floods can travel for miles while moving very quickly beyond the location of the original storm and can catch motorists and walkers/hikers by surprise. There is no “time of the year” for flash floods to occur, they can happen at any time.
It’s important to be aware of updated weather-alerts when flash flood warnings are occurring or are imminent in your area. Listen and take precautions to keep safe.
Restoration 1 of Central Houston
1614 W 22nd st, UNIT C, Houston, TX 77008